
Navigating the end of the school year

Appreciation ‘May’ not always come easily

I can’t speak for the teachers, but I have a feeling they’d like a little more appreciation in, say, March, when it’s still cold and far enough past Christmas and Valentines Day that they could use a break from the norm.

Is it time for another?

Looking back at the shock of finding out we were having a baby almost exactly 2 years ago, we laugh now seeing how much we were talking about having a baby before we knew. 

A quiet birthday, at my son’s request

Lately, I've been feeling a twinge of nostalgia, perhaps because I've been sifting through old photos of my son, affectionately referred to as The Boy, to compile my yearly social media tribute marking his birthday. He turned 16 last week!

The power of teaching kids to give back

When it comes to our children, we want to teach them everything we can. We want them to grow up to be successful, healthy, and kind adults. One of the best ways to foster this is to teach them that it is better to give than to receive.